
Grūtas Park

Grūtas Park
Grūtas Park
Grūtas Park

The collection of the museum consists of monumental sculptures and bas-reliefs of "heroes" of the Soviet period symbolizing brutality and absurdity of the Soviet system and occupation, reflects manipulation of the facts of history and shows the distorted memory of the history. Monumental sculptures and bas-reliefs displayed were erected in majority of Lithuanian cities and towns during the Soviet period. Those are monuments to V. I. Lenin, Stalin, Feliksas Baltusis-Zemaitis, Zigmas Angarietis, V. Kapsukas, F. Dzerzinskij, K. Pozela, J. Greifenbergeris, K. Giedrys, R. Carnas and monuments to members of the Young Communist League, Soviet Army etc. It is planned to accumulate in one place all the sculptures of similar type and other relics of the culture of Soviet realism in Lithuania.
