
Homestead "Prie Vencavo"

LCTA assessment
Homestead comfort level
It marks the qualification (comfort) categories of rural tourism homesteads. They are provided by the Association Council to their members providing rural recreation and rural tourism services, taking into account the level of  farmstead installation and provision of rural recreation services. All the homesteads of the members of the Association are divided into 5 categories, giving them one-, two-, three-, four- and five-stork signs. These categories of comfort are determined according to the classification requirements approved by the Association Council.
90 - 190 €
The whole homestead
Quiet rest
Relax with the family
Nature-friendly farmstead
Family holidays
Fun at the farmstead
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Water bikes
Possibility to fish in natural water bodies
Possibility to pick berries
Possibility to pick mushrooms
Homestead Advantages
Tent place
Footbridge to the water body
Suitable place for bathing
Catering service
Hot tub
Lithuanian sauna
Provision of tourism information
Hosts speak
Guests are welcome
all the year round
Hosts live not in the farmstead but arrive on demand 
The homestead was found in 2002 m.
Became a member of LCTA: 2004 m.
Places for tents
Sleeping places
To 20
Seating capacity in the building
Homestead by
1 m
to the lake Vencavas
18 km
to the city Zaarasai

A modern farmstead of old style with a country bathhouse is situated on the bank of the lake Vencavas in a recess of beautiful nature. 3 bedrooms with the windows overlooking the lake, big and spacious sitting-room with a hearth are available. At your service: volleyball ground, water bicycle, a boat. It is a real felicity for admirers of peaceful repose.
